
A spot of love...


I know her. She nothing but a rose.
Seem like fresh rose. Smile blinks
like mist on rose. Eyes speaks
lonely beauty of rose.

She surrounded with so many friends
like rose blooms between various rose.

She felt worry while some one left her
alone. And look like charm lessrose.

But now she looks beauty less heart.

- Revan.


Single tear fell on earth
with lots of pain. Express
its story of love before dray.

It is loveable tear of her.
Happiness is the gift of tear
to her. It appeared in her
happy mood. Gave her
tremendous feelings. But
day by day she loves some
one. And forgot the tear.

One day he left her. She felt
worry and lost happiness. By
force Loveable tear come out
from her beautiful eyes.

- Revan.


Jasmine face looks Charm less.
Sweet smell spread in air. But
it lost the rhythm of love.

Every day face seems in different
mood. But now it appears spirit less.

Beauty full face now filled with
wrinkles of pain. And they pass
message to understand the inner
sense of heart.

Eyes cover now with tears only.
But they changed there attitude
and appeared always in eyes.

But a tear come to me and say
hold her Love in your eyes.
Feel that in the music of heart.

- Revan.